Donald Trump and the Future of Immigration!

President-Elect Donald Trump!   This was obviously a surprise to many people.   Some of my readers are ecstatic!   Others are fearful or in despair.    To be honest, we really don’t know what will happen under the new president.   A lot of people think that it will become much harder to immigrate to the U.S.   That is possible.   But we don’t know that.   We don’t know how his deeds will line up with his words.   I expect that he will implement more vetting for people from Muslim countries.   There are Republicans who will want to shut down certain aspects of the current immigration scheme – such as the H-1b and the L-1 (two business employment visas) and the investor green card, and the green card lottery.  Maybe Trump will be open to those ideas, maybe not.   He has talked strongly about stopping illegal immigration.   Hopefully, that will not carry over to restricting the current legal immigration.  One bright side is, hopefully, that the Religious Worker Green Card, which is currently in limbo, is more likely to be approved, I think, under Republicans than under Democrats.   It seems to me that the Democrats have been more antagonistic to faith-based organizations than have the Republicans.

We will just have to see, and pray!

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