Category Archives: Adjustment of Status

The Fiance Visa Process

The Finace Visa process is a way that that Congress set up to facilitate the immigration of fiances of U.S. citizens.    This is only for people who are engaged to be married and intend to be married and who will not marry until the foreign fiancé has arrived in the US.  Once the foreign fiance arrives in the United States, they must get married within 90 days.  I know of people, thinking to help their case along, who got married while they were waiting for the visa to come, and as a result had to start all over with a spousal visa — which causes a major delay.

As I stated above, the fiancé visa is only for fiances of U.S. citizens.  A green card holder cannot use this route to bring a fiancé to the US.  Both parties have to be unmarried from the start of the process (i.e., someone can’t file this if they are still married and waiting a divorce).   They have to remain unmarried until the fiancé visa is processed, the foreign fiancé has had her interview, received her visa and has entered the U.S.   They then absolutely need to get married within 90 days of arrival in the U.S.

Another requirement for the visa is that you need to establish that you have met in person within the two years immediately preceding the filing of the visa petition.   They will not accept pictures alone as proof of this meeting.  They want additional evidence like passport stamps or flight itineraries.

The process is started when the U.S. Citizen fiancé files a fiancé petition with the USCIS requesting the approval of a fiancé visa.  The USCIS processes the petition and upon approval, sends it to the Department of State.  That first step usually takes between three and six months, but it can take longer.   Once the Department of State gets the petition, they send it to the appropriate consulate or embassy.

Once the consulate receives the petition, they notify the applicant that it is time for them to start gathering the relevant evidence — birth and police certificates and proof of financial sponsorship and relationship evidence and a medical examination.  At this point, the foreign fiancé also pays the fiancé visa application fee.  Once they have all this completed, the applicant notifies the consulate and schedules an appointment.   This process usually goes quite quickly.

At the interview, the fiancé will be examined mostly regarding her relationship with the US fiancé, although they may look at other issues as well.   I had one fiancé applicant, long ago, who listened to the other people in the waiting room and told the examiner that she was going to get together with her fiancé to see if she wanted to marry him.   The examiner rejected her because she needs to intend to get married in order to get this visa.

Once the visa is issued, the fiancé has six months to enter the U.S.   Then, as stated above, they need to get married within 90 days.  And then the challenging part of the process begins.

Up to this point, the foreign fiancé only has a K (fiancé) visa.   She does not yet have a green card.   Once she is married, she then files an application for adjustment of status to apply for the green card.   Two weeks ago I wrote about the process for filing for adjustment of status.  I won’t repeat that here.  It is all the same except that you do not need to file a spousal immigrant petition — the approved fiancé petition takes the place of the spousal immigrant petition.

I hope this is interesting and helpful.   Remember that this is not legal advice.  It is just a summary of certain aspects of immigration law which may or may not apply to your situation.   I encourage you to consult an attorney if you think any of this may apply to your situation.

Gunnar Armstrong


Requirements for qualifying for Adjustment of Status.

I have been writing about Adjustment of Status.  That is the process which allows you to file for a green card and stay here in the U.S. while you are waiting for it to be processed.  There are a number of requirements.  I want to only touch on a few of them.

The first is that you need to have entered the US legally.   A person who sneaked across the border and then marries a US citizen cannot file for Adjustment of Status.  For most people, you have to be in the U.S. legally in a non-immigrant status.   One exception is for immediate relatives of U.S. citizens — spouses, parents, and children under 21.   They can file for Adjustment of Status even if they are in the U.S. illegally — but they must have entered the U.S. in a legal status.   Generally, you cannot file if you have worked illegally, but that also does not apply to immediate relatives.

The major requirement is that you have to have an immigrant visa “immediately available” to you.   Immediate relatives always have an immigrant visa immediately available.    For other people, it is dependent on the backlog.   Sometimes an immigrant visa class, like Special Immigrant R-ligious workers — is current with no backlog.  If they are in the right place in their visa process, they can apply for Adjustment of Status.  But, for a brother of a U.S. citizen, with a 20 year backlog, it is very unlikely that he would be in the U.S. at the precise time that his 20-year wait ends.   A lot of time, I get inquiries from people with long waits who want to file for Adjustment of Status and wait here in the US for their place in line to come up.  That is not allowable, they have to wait in their home country because their visa is not “immediately available”.

I hope this is interesting and helpful.   Remember that this is not legal advice.  It is just a summary of certain aspects of immigration law which may or may not apply to your situation.   I encourage you to consult an attorney if you think any of this may apply to your situation.

Gunnar Armstrong



Coming to the U.S. as a tourist and then applying for Adjustment of Status — should you do it?

I have been writing about Adjustment of Status.    I hear all the time about people who want to come to the US on their tourist visa and apply for Adjustment of Status.   Most of these people think that this is what they should be doing — that this is the normal way to do it.  And to be honest, people do it all the time and it works.  So why am I writing about this?

The short answer is that it is illegal.   If you are entering on a tourist visa, you are stating that you are planning on returning home out of the US when your visit is over and that you do NOT intend on applying for a green card.   You are not allowed to enter the US on a tourist visa if your intent is to apply for a green card.   People do it all the time, but it is not legal.

If, at the border, they should believe that you are entering with the intent to apply for a green card, they are supposed to deny you entry.   In fact, they could deport you for immigration fraud, which could keep you out of the US for the rest of your life.   That is not likely, but it is possible.    In addition, if you do enter the US successfully, and they conclude while you are filing for Adjustment of Status that you committed fraud when you entered the US that could put you in deportation court as well — although that is not too likely either.

In summary, I recommend against this because it is illegal.  But people do it all the time and it works.   But, if it doesn’t work for you, it could disrupt your life for years or forever.

I hope this is interesting and helpful.   Remember that this is not legal advice.  It is just a summary of certain aspects of immigration law which may or may not apply to your situation.   I encourage you to consult an attorney if you think any of this may apply to your situation.

Gunnar Armstrong

An overview of the Adjustment of Status Process for the Spouse, Children, or Parents of a U.S. citizen if they are in the U.S

If the Spouse, Child or Parents of a U.S. citizen are in the U.S. they can apply for adjustment of status.   Adjustment of Status is the highly sought-after prize of the immigration process.  It allows you to stay here in the U.S. and work (at least part of the time — after you get your employment authorization) while you are waiting to receive a green card.  Assuming that you qualify for Adjustment of Status — I will talk about that in a couple of weeks — once you file the Application for Adjustment of Status, you are allowed to stay here in the U.S. until you get your green card.

Normally, the process is started by filing a visa petition together with the application for Adjustment of Status.  You will also file a request for work authorization and a request for a travel document.   Currently, everything together costs $1,225.  But that may go up in the near future — it was supposed to go up already, but there is a court case holding up the fee increase.  You will also file an immigration medical exam report, an affidavit of support (or two) to prove that you will not need to go on welfare, and relationship evidence.

The time frames are very difficult to set forth here.  Everything has been stretching out.   The whole process had been less than a year, and then it was taking about a year.  I don’t know how long it will take at this point.   At some point in the process you will need to go in to have your fingerprints and photo taken digitally.   Then, four to eight months into the process you should receive employment and travel authorization.  I recommend that you do not travel if you can help it, but sometimes it is necessary.

Finally you will be called in for an interview.  If you are the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you and your spouse will be called in.   The interview is longer for spouses.  The parents or children of a U.S. citizen may wind up not being called in for an interview, but you might.

After the interview, the green card will usually come in a couple of weeks, but it could take months.

I hope this is interesting and helpful.   Remember that this is not legal advice.  It is just a summary of certain aspects of immigration law which may or may not apply to your situation.   I encourage you to consult an attorney if you think any of this may apply to your situation.

Gunnar Armstrong

757 Appleton Road, Elkton, MD 21921


Adjustment of Status versus Consular Processing

There are two main routes for obtaining permanent residence (a Green Card) in the United States: Adjustment of Status and Consular Processing.  Each of these can be used in different circumstances and it is important to know the difference.

Adjustment of Status is the “Holy Grail” of the immigration process.  This is what people usually prefer if they can get it.   However, not everyone can qualify.

The main advantage of Adjustment of Status is that it allows the person seeking the Green Card to stay here in the United States while his Green Card is processing.  If a person is in the United States when the opportunity opens for him to apply for a Green Card, and he satisfies certain conditions, he may qualify for Adjustment of Status.   You generally need to already be here when the opportunity opens for you to apply.   For example, a person who is here on a tourist visa for six months may meet an American and decide to get married and stay here; he would normally be able to apply for Adjustment of Status.   He will not immediately be allowed to work, but he can request employment permission which will usually be granted after about four months.  Another situation could be a person who is here on a temporary work visa and who qualifies for an employment-based immigrant visa.   He will often be able to file for Adjustment of Status so that he can stay here and work while he waits for his green card to be processed.

The disadvantage of Adjustment of Status is that it will not work for everyone.  You are not allowed to come to the US with the intent to apply for a green card.  If you do that, it might work, and it might result in major immigration problems.  If you have entered illegally, you cannot adjust status.  For everyone except spouses, parents and children of US citizens, you cannot adjust status if you have been here illegally at all.  In cases like these the applicant has to leave the U.S. and try to obtain permanent residence through Consular Processing.

Consular processing is for people who can’t, or don’t want to, adjust status.   Consular processing requires that the petitioner file a visa petition in the US and, after the USCIS processes the petition, it gets transferred to the consulate or embassy in the home (or residence) country of the visa applicant.   This whole process can easily take over a year for spouses, parents and children of US citizens.  The process for other visa applicants who might be on a waiting list can take years.  Then when it is time, the visa applicant is given an appointment for a visa interview at the consulate.   After the interview, assuming he is approved, he is given a visa which gives him six months to come to the U.S. to live.

I hope this is interesting and helpful.   Remember that this is not legal advice.  It is just a summary of certain aspects of immigration law which may or may not apply to your situation.   I encourage you to consult an attorney if you think any of this may apply to your situation.

Gunnar Armstrong